ActionsColumn component


The ActionsColumns component implements a table’s column responsible for displaying and performing a list of record-related actions.

Constructor: app/code/Magento/Ui/view/base/web/js/grid/columns/actions.js

Configuration options

Extends all Column configuration.

ActionsColumn-specific configuration:

Option Description Type Default
bodyTmpl Path to the .html template used to render a column's field in the table's body. String ui/grid/cells/actions
draggable Defines whether a user can change column's position in the table by grabbing column's header and draging it across the table. Boolean false
fieldClass Additonal CSS classes added to the column's field elements. {[name: string]: Boolean} {'data-grid-actions-cell': true}
sortable Whether column's fields can be used to sort records in the table. Boolean false
templates.actions A list of actions that will be displayed in column's fields. {[name: String]: ActionItem} -

ActionItem interface

Option Description Type Required
callback Custom action's handler. ColumnAction | Array <ColumnAction> Optional
confirm Confirmation message shown before applying the action.
title: string;
message: string
href The link to open on when the column's element is clicked. String Optional
index Action's identifier. String Required
label Label to be displayed in the field. String Required