Enable vault

Store customers must have the ability to enable and disable credit cards details storing. Magento out-of-the-box provides mechanisms for adding this ability, but your still need to add modifications in your payment method implementation.

These modifications are the following:

  1. Adding vault enabling controls.
  2. Modifying the payment component (updating of the additional_data property must be added).
  3. Creating a request data builder.

The following paragraphs describe these points in details.

Add vault enabling controls

Add the vault enabling controls to the payment form. In the following example, a check box bound to the Vault enabler is added.

Example (Magento/Braintree/view/frontend/web/template/payment/form.html):

<form id="co-transparent-form-braintree" class="form" data-bind="" method="post" action="#" novalidate="novalidate">
    <fieldset data-bind="attr: {class: 'fieldset payment items' + getCode(), id: 'payment_form_' + getCode()}">
        <legend class="legend">
            <span><!-- ko i18n: 'Credit Card Information'--><!-- /ko --></span>
        <!-- ko if: (isVaultEnabled())-->
        <div class="field choice">
            <input type="checkbox"
                data-bind="attr: {'id': getCode() + '_enable_vault'}, checked: vaultEnabler.isActivePaymentTokenEnabler"/>
            <label class="label" data-bind="attr: {'for': getCode() + '_enable_vault'}">
                <span><!-- ko i18n: 'Save for later use.'--><!-- /ko --></span>
        <!-- /ko -->

Modifying the payment component

The payment component must process the state of the vault-enabling control and update payment additional_data before it is sent to the backend.

Magento has a default vault enabler UI component (Magento_Vault/js/view/payment/vault-enabler). In the payment component, you just need to call its visitAdditionalData to update the additional_data property. The rest is done by the \Magento\Vault\Observer\VaultEnableAssigner observer.

Example: the Braintree payment UI component

], function (... Component, VaultEnabler) {
    'use strict';

    return Component.extend({

         * @returns {exports.initialize}
        initialize: function () {

            this.vaultEnabler = new VaultEnabler();

            return this;

         * @returns {Object}
        getData: function () {
            var data = this._super();


            return data;

         * @returns {Bool}
        isVaultEnabled: function () {
            return this.vaultEnabler.isVaultEnabled();

         * @returns {String}
        getVaultCode: function () {
            return window.checkoutConfig.payment[this.getCode()].vaultCode;

Add request data builder

Now when we have information about enabling or disabling vault, the payment must send it to the payment processor. This is done in the request builder.

You can create a new request builder, or update the existing request builder of the payment method.

In the Braintree request builder, to pass the data, we set storeInVaultOnSuccess in transaction request:

class VaultDataBuilder implements BuilderInterface
     * Additional options in request to gateway
    const OPTIONS = 'options';

     * The option that determines whether the payment method associated with
     * the successful transaction should be stored in the Vault.
    const STORE_IN_VAULT_ON_SUCCESS = 'storeInVaultOnSuccess';

     * @inheritdoc
    public function build(array $buildSubject)
        return [
            self::OPTIONS => [
                self::STORE_IN_VAULT_ON_SUCCESS => true

The builder must be added to the payment authorize request in the DI configuration. Example from the Braintree di.xml:

<virtualType name="BraintreeAuthorizeRequest" type="Magento\Payment\Gateway\Request\BuilderComposite">
        <argument name="builders" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="vault" xsi:type="string">Magento\Braintree\Gateway\Request\VaultDataBuilder</item>

What’s next

Storing and processing the payment related data