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Source code for email.iterators

# Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Python Software Foundation
# Author: Barry Warsaw
# Contact:

"""Various types of useful iterators and generators."""

__all__ = [
    # Do not include _structure() since it's part of the debugging API.

import sys
from cStringIO import StringIO

# This function will become a method of the Message class
def walk(self):
    """Walk over the message tree, yielding each subpart.

    The walk is performed in depth-first order.  This method is a
    yield self
    if self.is_multipart():
        for subpart in self.get_payload():
            for subsubpart in subpart.walk():
                yield subsubpart

# These two functions are imported into the interface module.
[docs]def body_line_iterator(msg, decode=False): """Iterate over the parts, returning string payloads line-by-line. Optional decode (default False) is passed through to .get_payload(). """ for subpart in msg.walk(): payload = subpart.get_payload(decode=decode) if isinstance(payload, basestring): for line in StringIO(payload): yield line
[docs]def typed_subpart_iterator(msg, maintype='text', subtype=None): """Iterate over the subparts with a given MIME type. Use `maintype' as the main MIME type to match against; this defaults to "text". Optional `subtype' is the MIME subtype to match against; if omitted, only the main type is matched. """ for subpart in msg.walk(): if subpart.get_content_maintype() == maintype: if subtype is None or subpart.get_content_subtype() == subtype: yield subpart
[docs]def _structure(msg, fp=None, level=0, include_default=False): """A handy debugging aid""" if fp is None: fp = sys.stdout tab = ' ' * (level * 4) print >> fp, tab + msg.get_content_type(), if include_default: print >> fp, '[%s]' % msg.get_default_type() else: print >> fp if msg.is_multipart(): for subpart in msg.get_payload(): _structure(subpart, fp, level+1, include_default)