Deploy variables

The following deploy variables control actions in the deploy phase and can inherit and override values from the Global stage. Also, you can override the ADMIN variables. Insert these variables in the deploy stage of the .magento.env.yaml file:


For more information about customizing the build and deploy process:


  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Use to configure Redis page and default caching.

          backend: file
          backend: file

By default, the deployment process overwrites all settings in the env.php file. When setting the cm_cache_backend_redis parameter, you must specify the server, port, and database options.


  • Defaultenabled
  • Version—Available in all versions

The default value, enabled, cleans generated static view files when you perform an action like enabling or disabling a component. We recommend the default value in development. The supported values are enabled and disabled.

Failure to clear static view files might result in issues if there are multiple files with the same name and you do not clear all of them.

Because of static file fallback rules, if you do not clear static files and there is more than one file named logo.gif that are different, fallback might cause the wrong file to display.


  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Use this environment variable to make sure message queues are running after a deployment. By default, the deployment process overwrites all settings in the env.php file. Refer to Manage message queues for more information about how this works in Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce.

You must set the variable value using JSON. For example:

  • cron_run—A boolean value that enables or disables the consumers_runner cron job (default = false).
  • max_messages—A number specifying the maximum number of messages each consumer must process before terminating (default = 1000). Although we do not recommend it, you can use 0 to prevent the consumer from terminating.
  • consumers—An array of strings specifying which consumer(s) to run. An empty array runs all consumers. Refer to List consumers for more information.


  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Use the Project Web UI to set this value. When you move the database from one environment to another without an installation process, you need the corresponding cryptographic information. Magento uses the encryption key value set in the Web UI as the crypt/key value in the env.php file. This does not overwrite an existing encryption key value in the env.php file.


  • Defaultdisabled
  • Version—Available in all versions

You can forcefully enable or disable the deployment of static content during the deploy phase with this variable. If you already completed static content deployment in the build phase, and this variable is enabled, it is overridden to ensure static content deployment occurs only once. We strongly recommend always deploying static content during the build phase.

  • Defaultdisabled
  • Version—Magento 2.1.x

Enables the var/generation and var/di generated folders to be writable.


  • Defaultenterprise
  • Version—Available in all versions

We manage the values and setting of this variable. It identifies the type of environment: Integration, Staging, or Production. The enterprise value indicates a Staging and Production environment and sets the STATIC_CONTENT_THREADS to 3; otherwise, sets it to 1 for Integration. This is highly important for Pro Production environments, which have a three-node, high-availability architecture with a very different technology stack.


  • Defaultfalse
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Magento can read multiple databases asynchronously. Set to true to automatically use a read-only connection to the database to receive read-only traffic on a non-master node. This improves performance through load balancing, because only one node needs to handle read-write traffic. Set to false to remove any existing read-only connection array from the env.php file.



  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Use this environment variable to retain customized AMQP service settings between deployments. For example, if you prefer using an existing message queue service, like RabbitMQ, instead of relying on Magento Commerce (Cloud) to create it for you, use the QUEUE_CONFIGURATION environment variable to connect it to your site:

        port: 1234
        host: test.host2
        port: 12345
        port: 1234

By default, the deployment process overwrites all settings in the env.php file.


  • Defaultfalse
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Magento can read multiple Redis instances asynchronously. Set to true to automatically use a read-only connection to a Redis instance to receive read-only traffic on a non-master node. This improves performance through load balancing because only one node needs to handle read-write traffic. Set to false to remove any existing read-only connection array from the env.php file.


You must have a Redis service configured in the file and in the services.yaml file.

The read-only connection is not available for use in the Integration environment or if you use the CACHE_CONFIGURATION variable.


  • Default6
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Specifies which gzip compression level (0 to 9) to use when compressing static content; 0 disables compression.


  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Use this environment variable to retain customized search service settings between deployments. For example:

      engine: elasticsearch
      elasticsearch_server_hostname: hostname
      elasticsearch_server_port: '123456'
      elasticsearch_index_prefix: magento
      elasticsearch_server_timeout: '15'

By default, the deployment process overwrites all settings in the env.php file.


  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Use to configure Redis session storage. You must specify the save, redis, host, port, and database options for the session storage variable. For example:

        bot_first_lifetime: 100
        bot_lifetime: 10001
        database: 0
        disable_locking: 1
        host: redis.internal
        max_concurrency: 10
        max_lifetime: 10001
        min_lifetime: 100
        port: 6379
      save: redis

By default, the deployment process overwrites all settings in the env.php file.


  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Skips static content deployment during the deploy phase.

We recommend using this option, because running static content deployment during the deployment phase can greatly increase deployment times and downtime for your live site.


  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Available in all versions

Themes can include numerous files. Set this variable to true if you want to skip copying over theme files during deployment. For example, the Luma theme is included with Magento Commerce (Cloud). You may not need to constantly deploy this theme with your code updates and deployments. To exclude the Magento/luma theme:

    SCD_EXCLUDE_THEMES: Magento/luma 
  • Defaultenabled
  • Version—Available in all versions

Generates symlinks for static content, unless you disable it using this environment variable. This setting is vital in the Pro Production environment for the three node cluster. When this variable is not set (disabled), it must copy every file during the deployment, which increases deployment time. Setting SCD_ON_DEMAND to true disables this variable.


  • Default:
    • 1—Starter environments and Pro Integration environments
    • 3—Pro Staging and Production environments
  • Version—Available in all versions

Sets the number of threads for processing and deploying static content files. The higher amount of threads increasing the amount of files processed during the deployment. The lower the number of threads, the slower static files are processed increasing deployment time.

For Starter plan environments and Pro Integration environments, the threads value is 1. This amount is fine for these environments. For Pro Staging and Production environments, the default threads is 3 to increase the speed of processing static content, especially for Production with three nodes and GlusterFS.

To further reduce deployment time, we recommend using Configuration Management with the scd-dumpcommand to move static deployment into the build phase.


  • Defaultenabled
  • Version—Magento 2.1.2 and later

On deployment, replace Magento base URLs in the database with project URLs. This is useful for local development, where base URLs are set up for your local environment. When you deploy to a Cloud environment, we change the URLs so you can access your storefront and Magento Admin using project URLs.

You should set this variable to disabled only in Staging or Production environments, where the base URLs cannot change. For Pro, we already set this to disabled for you.


  • Defaultdisabled
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Enables or disables the Symfony debug verbosity level for your logs. Be aware, if you enable this verbosity, the logs will be deeply detailed.