Robo commands in the Magento Functional Testing Framework

This topic was updated due to the 1.0.0 MFTF release.

Robo is a task runner for PHP that allows you to alias long complex CLI commands to simple commands.



Assuming that you’re working in the magento2/dev/tests/acceptance directory in your terminal, run Robo commands using the following format:

vendor/bin/robo command [options] [arguments]

Or, if you added path of the Robo executable file to the system PATH, then run Robo commands using the following format:

robo command [options] [arguments]


  • Original:
    allure generate tests/_output/allure-results/ -o tests/_output/allure-report/
  • Robo:
    vendor/bin/robo allure1:generate

Most useful commands

The following list contains most popular commands purposed to interact with the MFTF.

For more commands, see Reference or run in your terminal: $ vendor/bin/robo.

Codeception Robo Commands

List all available Robo commands:


Duplicate the Example configuration files used to customize the Project:

vendor/bin/robo clone:files

Build the Codeception project:

vendor/bin/robo build:project

Generate all Tests in PHP:

vendor/bin/robo generate:tests

Run all Tests marked with the @group tag ‘example’, using the Chrome environment:

vendor/bin/robo example

Run all Functional tests located under the Directory Path provided:

vendor/bin/robo folder ______

Run all Functional tests, excluding @group skip:

vendor/bin/robo functional

Run all Tests with the specified @group tag, excluding @group ‘skip’:

vendor/bin/robo group ______

Allure Robo Commands

To determine which version of the Allure command you need to use please run allure --version.

Generate the HTML for the Allure report based on the Test XML output:

Allure v1.x.x Allure v2.x.x
$ vendor/bin/robo allure1:generate $ vendor/bin/robo allure2:generate

Open the HTML Allure report:

Allure v1.x.x Allure v2.x.x
$ vendor/bin/robo allure1:open $ vendor/bin/robo allure2:open

Generate and open the HTML Allure report:

Allure v1.x.x Allure v2.x.x
$ vendor/bin/robo allure1:report $ vendor/bin/robo allure2:report



functional Run all functional tests, excluding @group 'skip'
example Run all Tests marked with the @group tag 'example'
folder Run all Acceptance tests located under the Directory Path provided
group Run all Tests with the specified @group tag, excluding @group 'skip'
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands


allure1:generate Generate the HTML for the Allure report based on the Test XML output - Allure v1.4.X
allure1:open Open the HTML Allure report - Allure v1.4.xX
allure1:report Generate and open the HTML Allure report - Allure v1.4.X


allure2:generate Generate the HTML for the Allure report based on the Test XML output - Allure v2.3.X
allure2:open Open the HTML Allure report - Allure v2.3.X
allure2:report Generate and open the HTML Allure report - Allure v2.3.X


build:project Clone the Example configuration files Build the Codeception project


clone:files Duplicate the Example configuration files used to customize the Project for customization


generate:tests Generate all Tests


self:update or update Updates the robo.phar to the latest version. Only works when running the phar version of Robo.